Friday, November 25, 2011

catatan 25 november -change, changing and changes

at this age, many things can be seen and thought. big and small.
everyone, at one time or another, has come to his or her mind to change the 'world'. The 'world' or someone or something that to him or her is not right or not 'nice'. many efforts has been done - tactics and strategies and hard work. if they're lucky they succeed but usually the changes will not be permanent; just for a short while.
we. humans, tend to forget that we are only a human being with lots of weaknesses. who are we to change others or to make others do some changes.
but that doesn't mean that we do not have to make others 'change' to a better person. (to be continued, insya Allah).

this baby elephant was given by my beloved kak yang last year. she cramped it inside her big bag all the way from jakarta and it was a birthday present from her. thank you dear.

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